Quote Originally Posted by jmm99 View Post
Because Zimbabwe is outside the line I'd draw if I had my druthers. Africa's problems are to be solved by Africans (Black and White) - IMHO.

Obviously, I do not have the "druthers". Your arguments re: US guilt for real or alleged misdeeds or commitments may or may not influence those who do and who are much more global in their Worldviews - whether guilt-ridden liberals or conservatives. I'm neither.


Quite frankly very few people seriously expect the US to do anything about Zimbabwe. Carter/Vance/Young handed the country to Mugabe in 1980 and its been a wonderful democratic paradise every since.

But before we get too hung up on Zimbabwe spare a thought for Nicaragua. First Carter hands it to the Sandinistas then Reagan interfered via the Contras and now Nicaragua has returned to being yet another South American basket case. Nicaraguans can be forgiven for asking for the real America to please stand up.