Quote Originally Posted by AdamG View Post
Like many rock stars or Hollywood-beknighted celebrities, Assange has been trying to fill some hole in his emotional makeup by making himself the center of attention and through empty sexual conquests, along with a craven lack of responsibility for the aftereffects of his actions.

Unlike many rock stars or Hollywood-beknighted celebrities, Assange's only talent is for digging up muck on his favorite demon, the United States.

It'll be interesting to see what sort of abuse it was that he suffered as a child.
Get over it. So Assange had an unsettled childhood, how does that affect matters?

The situation here is simple, the US left a backdoor to the house open, one of its kids took stuff from the study and gave it to a man in the street who then took it to the newspapers. Lock the door, smack the kid and then... dry your eyes.