Quote Originally Posted by Fuchs View Post
The whole sexuality = choice thing seems to be specifically U.S. myth.
I've never heard or read it coming from any European source. The whole idea is alien in Germany (and would be laughed at by almost everyone here).

Tip for U.S. culture wars: Look at other Western nations. Many nations have settled the very same issues long ago, usually overwhelmingly in favour of a specific answer.

Germany addressed almost all of the current U.S. culture war topics in the period of 1880-2000 and laid them to permanent rest.
In turn every nation needs to address this issue and now its the time of the US military.

The generals were correct in that the military is not ready for gays to serve openly in the military. The military is being being to be the social guinea-pig for the nation.

The generals (perhaps) argued the case badly but I would have thought that they would have told the legislators to first amend the constitution and any legislation (as applicable) before forcing this on the military. Then they should have been honest about the MST (military sexual trauma) incidence in the military currently.


"2,200 reported rapes in the military in 2007" is an outrageous figure and based on the generally accept rule of thumb that 8-10 times the reported rape figure go unreported.

It gets worse:

'I reported the rape within 30 minutes - then watched my career implode'

" During the last Gulf war, 8% of women sent overseas were sexually assaulted or raped, according to a study by researchers for the Department of Veterans' Affairs. "
The generals were correct... this is not the right time to open the gates.