Been lurking on SWJ and enjoyed the back and forth but have decided to post. Am retired military, combat arms.

I am definitely opposed to the repeal of DADT because I believe homosexuality is morally wrong and saying that things that are morally wrong are right and normal is damaging to society.

Not sure the driver behind society's perception of homosexuality changing from moral evil to mental illness to normal. It does seem like those in favor of repeal use the standard of "if it's consensual between adults and there is not overwhelming scientific data that it is physically harmful, then it is OK." If that is the standard is there still a basis for societal or military prohibitions on adult incest, polygamy, bestiality, prostitution, or even marijuana use?

As an interesting aside, on another forum there was a post by an acquaintance of someone in AIT. The guy in AIT asked his NCO what he thought of the repeal. The NCO answered that as soon as it went through, he was going to grab his towel and shower in the women's barracks because if gays get to shower with the gender they like to have sex with, it's only fair that straights have the same opportunities.