Quote Originally Posted by TheCurmudgeon View Post
Admittedly, my knowledge of economic theory is not that great. I would guess it is a question of perception, both internal and external. Do the people in the country have faith in the currency; will the people outside of the country accept it in exchange for goods. How "good" the government is at governing may or may not necessarily matter.

That being said, I think we have a consensus that using an external currency until a self-sustaining government can be formed is the best option.
Traditional fiat money (legal tender) has a forcing provision that maintains that it is the only method of payment accepted for your taxes, if that provision is not in there, then there is know reason to hold the currency (circulate it). A foreign currency with that stipulation will probably do everything you need it to do at least at the start. I think this would allow you to focus on the main problem which is going to be the "real" physical economy that actually produces the things that people need in order to survive and prosper.