Quote Originally Posted by TheCurmudgeon View Post
Actually I like the idea of trading existing currency for a foreign currency since it will allow you to look for entities with too much cash.
That has actually been talked about in Counter-Drug Operations for this country, instead of foreign currency it would be a new currency of a very different and distinctive design, which allow you to drain all the excess drug dealer cash out of the system. It is one of those ideas that sounds good but would probably have created such a panic that any good would have been surpassed by a great panic.

IMO you would be better to eliminate cash altogether(just get foriegn bank credits for the value of the currency) at least for awhile and just issues an electronic accounting card. Handheld scanners could be issued at all the Strategic points of sale and would give you very detailed accounting information (which is all money is) also with encryption you would not have much of a counterfeiting problem.