Quote Originally Posted by RobSentse View Post

Current and future operations is like Microsoft fighting Google: You do not fight the competition; you fight for the approval of the client.
That is dangerous rubbish. Current and future conflict is and will always be about killing for political purpose. Breaking of will is what wins the military competition and thus is most likely to deliver an opposed political objective.
For that it is important not to force your client. Instead of that, persuade him, influence his perception, give him choices. In order to not let your competitor define your actions you have to maintain the initiative and get his best people to join you.
Again, rubbish. You break his will. the enemy's armed faction is not a client. It's an opponent.
Do not think that you have to defeat an opponent to "win" (which is quite un-military).
Yes you do. If you are not fighting then you are just doing politics. No fighting, no armies. Normal political discourse.