Quote Originally Posted by JMA View Post
Now here is a yank who seems to have learned something during his time in Africa.

US envoy cautions against power sharing in Ivory Coast

Simple and self evident... but not to Washington, Paris and London it seems.
Hey JMA,
Actually that yank you're referring to has a lot of (recent) history, and not that great a history, both at home and especially abroad.

Limited understanding

“appears to take delight in inciting instability in Nigeria with his entire thesis based on a worst case scenario and seeming relish in willing it to occur.

Former US Ambassador advocates Military Rule for Nigeria

that military intervention could indeed be a “positive” for the country.

John Campbell Is Wrong On Nigeria Again

if Mr. Campbell’s primary motive was centered around helping Nigeria avert chaos, he would have sent his concerns along with appropriate recommendations to the Nigerian authorities. In a situation where the Nigerian authorities ignore him, he could have privately made same recommendations to the US State department to address his Nigerian concerns.
Wikileaks anyone

However, he might actually entertain your "3 Cruise Missile theory"

Regards, Stan