Fuchs and Brihard that is...

How some can decry 'risk aversion' and 'group think' as well as complain of excessive demands for conformity and stultifying superiors in the Armed Forces and then castigate anyone who dares to be a bit different is mind boggling.

Many former crew members have defended the videos as have some teaching merit. As Brihard says, a LOT of training material sucks -- he's obviously a master of understatement -- and as many know, leadership is half showmanship.

My guess is the Navy has just relieved a potentially great combat commander for little reason. Were some people upset? Sure. Justifiably? Equally sure, based on their perspective. Others -- apparently many more others -- were not upset. No way to please everyone, never has been or will be.

This is all much ado about excessive political correctness and most of that ado misses the point that war, combat and the folks who engage in those things are about as politically incorrect as one can be. Yes, "result-getters" get some slack and there are many historical and good reasons for that.

Change that (more than we already have, which is a great deal...) and there will be a cost...