Kevin, you pushed a button of mine. The only services who regularly need camo uniforms are the army and Marines. While elements of the USAF (some of their special ops people and security police) need camo, mostly they don't. Likewise the navy - only SEALS and Seabees. If elements of these services are going to operate where they need camo, they can use other services like they did prior to the current camo craze. That brings me to the army and Marines: they operate on land in the same environments. Why do they need distinct camo uniforms? This camocraze costs me money as a taxpayer, is stupid and unnecessary. Sec Gates, can you please tell the service secretaries of the army and the navy to come up with a single (or like the Marines two) camo pattern that all services will adopt. Personally, as an old army guy, I'd make the Marines executive agent on the project.

