Army and Marines operate both on land - why do you need both?
Most likely none goes away, so there's at least the opportunity to let them compete for quality.

The navy camo patter is afaik not meant to camouflage, but to hide dirt such as lubricant stains - in order to defeat whatever is left of the 'spit and polish' school.

The air force needs a camo pattern in order to let their troops feel like soldiers. There's not that much else, after all.

Now about combat troops camo patterns (and all of this with the exception of snow camo):

They're overrated. A really good camouflage is not some pattern - no matter digitized or not - but three-dimensional objects that emulate the surroundings in shape and/or make the silhouette less human.

The Israeli helmet covers are an example of the latter, while ghillie suits are an extreme example of the former.

The BDU colours should only be the basis of the actual camouflage - and could even be returned to dark grey, for a really well-camouflaged soldier wouldn't expose much of his basic BDU camo.

Btw, wouldn't this be a nice camo for every air force?