Bill, to answer your earlier question about who supports extremism in Pakistan, my view is this:
1. In most modern states (perhaps all of them), most of the population follows the lead of the national security apparatus in deciding who is an enemy and who is a friend. The RARE exception is a narrowly-based and extremely unpopular regime that can, over time, lose so much credibility that their view does not influence most people. This is not about the daily "poll ranking" of the President of the US, its about totally losing faith in the state system as such (a rare and near-terminal event). In other words, I devalue the worth of surveying the population to find out who is enemy and who is friend. That does not mean no other factor plays a role, but its to emphasize that the state's propaganda is more important than almost any other factor.
2. The Pakistani population follows the lead of the Pakistani state. The state has identified Hindus, Jews and their agents as the enemies of the imaginary Ummah and its vanguard state (Pakistan). That deep state is the "supporter of extremism" that counts. There are several other powerful factors in play (and their powerfulness is a testament to the relative failure of the state) but even now, even today, nothing counts as much as what the deep state wants.
3. The deep state is not some imaginary abstraction. There is a very real apparatus of brain-washing, its organized, its operators know what they are aiming for. If you need to know who they are, check out:
4. I know the above link is a partisan website with a very definite agenda. I just urge you to give thought to the possibility that the same may be said of the supporters of the deep state, but Western observers are trained to regard "mainstream media" as more or less free and middle of the road and to discount conspiracy theories about secret cabals. THat is a good policy in general, but always keep in mind that there ARE exceptions Sometimes, the paranoid DO have enemies...