Quote Originally Posted by JMA View Post
Not enough gunships? A Cessna will do. Take off the door, mount a 30-Browning on the floor (with a primitive sight) operated by your mate, the gunner and next door farmer and sit on a flak jacket to prevent unwanted penetration of the nether regions... and there you have a Cessna gunship... Rhodesian style.
The US had been using Cessna O-1's, O-2's and all sorts of light aircraft through out the 1960's and well into the mid-1970's. Talk to any of the "SPAF" - Sneaky Pete's Air Force - and they all have stories of dropping grenades out of the window.

....but today, 40 years on, it's like using Bleriot's 1909 plane in the Battle of Britain. Modern armies and airforces should not be looking to emulate products of improvisation. A modernised derivative of an AU-23 is about as low as anyone should go, and even the case of that is pretty tough to make.