Quote Originally Posted by JMA View Post
Still can't figure out why there is more hysteria about Assange than there was about Hanoi Jane. The idiots at Justice still haven't figured out what crime Assange has committed while aiding and abetting the enemy is clear cut.
Hey JMA,
Just my opinion as always

At least Jane Fonda openly expressed regret for her misgivings, albeit much later.

Let's be fair, there wasn't an internet in 72 and there certainly wasn't much in the way of State cables to leak either.

If, and a big IF at that, one person dies due to Assange's meddling, he will definitely pay big and rightfully so.

The post from Danger Room is however a cop out for DOD. I say burn the SOBs that view and store leaked classified material. We made a deal with enlistment; so it's guilty by default or ignorance, and ignorance of the law is no excuse.

Regards, Stan