Sorry for the delayed response. Most of the replies (questions) to my original posts were, in my opinion, answered adequately enough for those that read those posts. The USMC - SOCOM relationship is a done deal and the debate on the positive or negative aspects of this relationship is moot.

That said, I had the opportunity to discuss this issue with MG Geoffrey Lambert (USA Ret.). General Lambert is one of the “grey beards” (senior mentors) of a program I work on (Joint Urban Warrior) and of course, one of our nation’s foremost experts on SOF related issues. His background in SOF speaks volumes.

Reader digest version – I asked him how the USMC could maintain its “youth” (large turnover of first-term Devil-Dogs) while "taking on" many SOF missions that historically have been filled by senior NCO’s and SCNO’s. His advice was to look at the US Army Ranger model for a possible answer to this issue. Any thoughts out there? I know just enough about the Ranger community to make me dangerous.

