Counselor Jones:

I am just speaking as a member of the jury and telling you what seems to work on me.

You said "it was about the pursuit of liberty" and ideology didn't matter. I said liberty didn't have much do with communism and ideology did matter and it was competing with other ideologies. Then you tell me below

Quote Originally Posted by Bob's World View Post
I am no fan of communism, but name for me please a single country that employed a communist ideology to overthrow, or attempt to overthrow their government that had a government in place that drew its legitimacy from the govern populace and was responsive to their reasonable demands. Just one. And if you find that one, I will find five to match on the other side.
Now after hearing that I am a befuddled juror. You were talking about liberty and ideology and now you are talking about governments that were overthrown. Where did liberty go? Communism and liberty didn't mix. That is well known by all but somehow it had something to do with liberty. If us jurors can't follow your train of thought you arguments will be weakened.

Now we have another problem with this statement.

Quote Originally Posted by Bob's World View Post
Is Communism a "benign" ideology? Yes. Did it reshape Western Colonial control of Asia? Equally yes.
As a juror my first reaction to this statement is "Huh?" Communism benign? Yes it did reshape things but at the cost of how many tens of millions of dead? These types of statements just cause head shaking in the jury room.

Quote Originally Posted by Bob's World View Post
The real ideology in all of those places, times and example was the ideology of liberty and self-determination.
No, I think not. That may have been the aspiration, but ideology was a tool to get there. If they chose communism, boy did they get had.