Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
Welcome, BushrangerCZ. In May 1945 my late Dad was in the outskirts of Pilsen with the 97th U.S. Infantry Division when World War II ended. Later when he was in Prague in the 1970s a Communist Party official asked him whether he'd ever been to Czechoslovakia before and he said yes, near Pilsen in May 1945. The official said no, that can't be true, we were liberated by the great Red Army!
Pete, if I only could, I would buy your father whole crate of Pilsen Urquell. Commies really tried to persuade everybody that US soldiers in Pilsen were in fact soviet soldiers dressed up like Americans. Most people knew the true, but it was not good to talk about it. My grandfather handed some german POWs to US troops in my own hometown, so it is obvious that most people could not be blamed, but for example history teachers who taught about this facts could loose the job. Commies ruined the whole country, and now we are trying to catch up.