First the death of the Minister of Rural development#:
South Sudan minister shot dead

February 9, 2011 (JUBA) - A minister in the semi-autonomous Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) has been killed by his personal driver who broke into his office this morning soon after his arrival.
The minister of Cooperatives and Rural Development, Jimmy Lemi Milla, was shot dead at around 10:45AM in his office, which is only about 200 meters from the office of the president.
The assilant also killed the minister’s bodyguard.
More details are expected to emerge later.,37930

And secondly Bashir is trying facebook to counter the opposition#:

Sudanese president urges supporters to use Facebook to overcome opposition

The Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir has called on his supporters to use Facebook in order to overcome groups that are opposed to his rule.
Bashir made the call during his visit to North Kordofan state on Tuesday where he inaugurated a power plant.
Sudan official news agency (SUNA) cited Bashir as instructing authorities to pay more attention towards extending electricity to the countryside so that the younger citizens can use computers and internet to combat opposition through social networking sites such as Facebook.
This is the first call of its kind by an Arab president since a wave of revolts spread across the Middle East leading to the downfall of the 23-years old regime in Tunisia and forced the Egyptian government to loosen its grip on the power and make unprecedented concessions.

This might be the first public counter cybersocialnetwork strike#! An article recently published in Wirred (Know that because of Slate not because I read Wirred. ) states that the US army has the capacity to reinitiate by force internet network in a country. This could be considered as an act of war.

I did not mentioned it but Bashir is facing some opposition demonstrations in Khartoum. The NCP is not ready to let go. Also, there are too many interests at stake now now, that an abrupt departure of Bashir is not really an option for many. And as in Egypt, the problematic of the islamic fundamentalist political opposition is part of the equation too.
Other threats have demonstrate the importance of Internet and social network in population mobilization in Tunisia and Egypt.
Here, Bashir just turn around the difficulty of censoring Internet or simply cutting the net. He choose to conduct a cyber social network strike by reversing the use of social networks at his profit.