Quote Originally Posted by slapout9 View Post
Stan, I don't know if I ever mentioned the fact that he was a retired Air Force E-9 and to make it worse he was actually working as an Alabama State employee at a State Trooper Stationat the time of the incident, he had even actually successfully impersonated an Alabama State Trooper in order to get information about me. And yes he had a valid CCW permit.
Hey Slap,
Yep, you did, and it was friggin' strange then as it would still be today !

I was trying to find that article you scanned and posted, to put up here again (with your permission of course ).

Now we've got news of military gangs (or is it gang members joining the ranks to learn about firearms and tactics ?). This would indeed not be a good time to have anarchy on a domestic base.

Quote Originally Posted by carl View Post
On the overseas base I was on, all the 20 year olds carried guns. Sometimes they even managed to get drunk.
That would have been considered normal on base and in a war zone (carrying guns that is).