This response to Wilf of 19 June 2010 refers

Quote Originally Posted by JMA View Post
This post of mine on another thread has relevance.

One aspect that appears not to be considered is that as the foot soldiers are 'overloaded' there should be a concern for the physical nature of the tasking given this limitation. In addition there should be a concern for to what extent the ability to maneuver in combat is degraded and the effect this has on the ability to kill the enemy. Returning to my point then that to send these Michelin men out on patrol is merely setting them up for failure.
From the The British Army Review Number 150 we read the following in the article Donkeys led by Lions:

We’re getting to a point where we are losing as many men making mistakes because they are exhausted from carrying armour (and the things that go with it) than are saved by it. The weight of protection and firepower also induces some unusual and undesirable combat behaviour.
OK, problem belatedly identified. Now wait and watch for the reaction...