Quote Originally Posted by Stan View Post
Not too sure about being un-American as that presupposes some sort or norms which we obviously don't have. We are also taking about concealed weapons which, in my opinion is a sidearm. Other than specific MOSs, which I believe I was clear about earlier, most soldiers are not trained to use sidearms and certainly not trained to employ a concealed weapon. Probably why a seasoned LEO is a credible source herein.

I would like nothing more to agree with you, but my 23 years tells me otherwise.

To say that LEOs are automatically competent with firearms and non LEO are automatically incompetent with firearms, short of some objective measure, seems to be a "some are more equal than others" approach and thus unamerican IMHO.

Stan - I imagine you are a great guy but if I get the honor to meet you, pardon me if I stand a couple of meters away. You seem to have had a lot of bad stuff happen within bursting radius of you when you were on active duty. In my double digits of years, been around a couple of NDs but, thank God, never had anyone I knew injured by one.