Stability at the expense of the liberty of others IS the wrong side of history. During the Cold War we could rationalize such manipulations of the governance of others as part of our containment strategy.

That rationale is long gone, yet we have done little to empower the reestablishment of self-determination and peaceful evolution of governmental reforms to bring these populaces a greater sense of participation and legitimacy of their governments.

Tunisia and Egypt is the nose and head of the camel under the tent. The key now is to provide appropriate assurances that we will work with these people as the seek new guards to the future security; and also to get in front of the camel in our diplomatic engagements with the other dozen governments who are in-line to feel similar pressure. Moderate, reasonable reforms will go a long ways toward avoiding violence and chaos.

The Wild Card is AQ, who sees their rationale for existence slipping away from them. The timing could be right to execute more violence in an effort to once again get Western leaders and populaces to overreact and confuse popular quests for liberty as something much scarier and darker.

The voice of ignorance and fear is still very loud. While we are tipping toward the right side of history (at least as measured by the principles that Americans proclaim to the world), a bad event, a bad response, and we could be right back in the business of propping up despots and chasing ideologies.