Quote Originally Posted by DVC View Post
Thanks Stan - hope the dinner went well. Appreciate the links. Have read most of the unclas .mil Fort Hood things I can get my hands on.
Dinner at the Argentina was great ! Huge grilled tiger shrimps and 250 gr of beef tenderloin

Quote Originally Posted by DVC View Post
Obviously this CCW issue is only part, maybe a small part, of the question/solution (my view). But I think it is hugely important to soldier morale and warrior ethos. Besides the physical tragedy, some of the saddest things out of the Fort Hood incident were quotes of soldiers saying things like "at least if I was downrange (deployed) I could have defended myself."
DOD's review showed some promise by at least recommending the active shooter program. Looking at both the LEO and Army reviews following attendance at the IMS Anti-Active Shooter Tactics course, this sounds like a step in the right direction without trying to simple mirror what is authorized off-post. I gather this training would probably serve the soldiers well in nearly any environment.