Seems PC is becoming a mandate:

kanBARoo - 86th Installment

Florida State Bar enforces “political correctness”—the Mitchell and Mooney matters

Friday, January 7, 2011

In events many observers find unfathomable, the Florida State Bar disciplined two lawyers for trading e-mailed insults. What’s unfathomable to the observers is not, unfortunately, the Florida Bar’s disciplinary action but the attorneys’ conduct, whose frequency in general practice everyone underestimates. In this Installment, we’ll “fathom” both the Florida State Bar and its victims.

Comparing the severity of disciple imposed on each—10-day suspension for Kurt D. Mitchell but only a public reprimand for Nicholas F. Mooney—betrays its motive. What occurred between them is sometimes termed a “flame war”, an escalating exchange of insults, often attributed to the absence of the inhibitions direct contact would foster.

The only significant difference between the two attorneys’ conduct consists in the political incorrectness of Mitchell’s mockery of Mooney’s handicapped offspring: While I am sorry to hear about your disabled child, that sort of thing is to be expected when a retard reproduces. Compare with Mooney’s strongest: Then check your children if they are even yours. Better check the garbage man that comes by your trailer to make sure they don't look like him. .....
So much for lawyers and snarks.

On the other hand (I think on a higher plane), we have folks who gnaw at generals' ankles:

The Sins of Generals, Part One: An open letter to General Michael Hagee, Commandant of the Marine Corps (2003-2006), October 11, 2008.

The Sins of Generals Part Two: Undue Influence from the Start, October 30, 2008.

The Sins of Generals, Part Three: An open letter regarding Haditha to General Peter W. Chiarelli, Commander of the Multi-National Corps in Iraq (November 2005-February 2006), February 8, 2009.

The Sins of Generals Part Four: The Loss of Strategic Legitimacy, December 1, 2009.

The Sins of Generals Part Five: Political Equivocation at LtCol Chessani's Board of Inquiry, December 6, 2009.
These flesh out one context for the current discussion.

