I believe you that you have no clue how to fix the economy and you don't know who knows. I'm also confident that the latter is closely related to your cluelessness about how to identify people who know how to fix the economy, and likewise I'm confident that you have no clue about economic science.

There's no one individual who knows everything about how to fix the economy because the topic is too big and complex, but there are many (actually many thousands) who have a good clue about many of the necessary measures (especially the big ones).
Macroeconomics is too difficult and abstract for popular media, though. This leaves many people clueless about economics and allows for a huge collection about stupid ideas about economies. Financial market-oriented reporting of mass media adds to the cluelessness and confusion.

I studied economic science for several years at a West German university, focused on macroeconomics, have a degree on it and I know enough economic theories* and papers to know that this stuff is science.

I knew about how the Euro zone will run into the exact troubles of today before the € was introduced because economic scientists had worked on the necessary theories back in the early 90's (each one for every advantage or disadvantage of monetary unions), because my professors had told me about those theories and because the micro experiment of monetary union in re-unified Germany was already supporting those theories.
Meanwhile the public - including those who disparage(d) economic science - had no clue about it.

Making more use of economic science would improve policy a lot. (As of today, lawyers are more influential in policy than economists are - and it shows.)
This reaches from big things like the current crisis or monetary unions down to negotiating simple treaties (the OECD standard form for double taxation treaties is distorted by lobbyists, for example - but only economists will be able to tell you what's the problem in it).

You don't want to see economic theory as science and this keeps you from seeing it as such. I'm happy that most people in power seem to see it as a science and politicians make use of it at least when political gaming allows for it.

Feel free to live on in a fantasy world where your re-defining of the world works. That doesn't help anyone in this world.

*: There was a time when I learned one or two new theories per 90 minute lecture. Economic theories happen to explain one thing a piece.

Oh, btw, I will tell the physicists that they shall never again call Newtonian Physics "science" because they're only "simple observations", and some guy on the internet meant that this doesn't count as science. Or I won't.