Was LTC Holmes the PSYOP, or a PSYOP officer assigned as the IO officer- there is a distinct difference.

NTM-A is a JMD manned command, not a TOE unit, so anyone could be the IO, and IO addresses all audiences, not just opposing audiences.

I wonder what LTC Holmes beef with LTG Caldwell and the command is? IME, a LTC isn't going to just run to Rolling Stone and spill his guts about something. Especially not after what happened to GEN McChrystal.

My bet- LTC Holmes was a waste of oxygen who got hammered by the command (he was investigated, and it seems like it wasn't just over his raising this issue, but other conduct that is at least questionable) and this is his method to pay back. I could be wrong- its happened before, but that is my guess on what happened.

As noted by DaveDoyle, the article leaves lots of loose ends for someone who understands how things work.