their Security Council Resolutions (just since 1 Jan 2008) that are material to the Somali pirates and the remedies that may be employed against them:

1801 (2008),
1811 (2008),
1814 (2008),
1816 (2008),
1831 (2008),
1838 (2008),
1844 (2008),
1846 (2008),
1851 (2008),
1853 (2008),
1863 (2009),
1872 (2009),
1897 (2009),
1910 (2010),
1916 (2010)
1918 (2010),
1950 (2010) and
1964 (2010).

All of the above add up to a Rule of Law situation (international law enforcement as to piracy), where the Laws of War (sometimes applicable to a Chapter VII peace enforcement situation) generally do not apply.

To change the constraints in any substantial manner would require a change in policy. The problem (as in many situations) is not founded in military strategy and tactics, but in governmental policy (here, international governmental policy).

