Quote Originally Posted by dusty View Post
As a 2LT chomping at the bit to drop the dreaded 'butterbar' stigma, I dream of an accelerated promotion - but I know that I have a lot to learn yet. My first impression of the Army was promotions were/are too quick. I came over from the USMC side as a Sgt., and automatically assumed that all indivduals wearing three stripes had been around at least a hitch ( ~4 yrs) or so. I have found that is not the case, as I have met numerous soldiers with only 3 yrs in that are E-5. They have a lot of potential, but not the TIG/TIS, to really know what is going on. I wonder if the current promotions in the officer corps won't follow a similiar path.
Enjoy your time as a platoon leader and hang on for dear life. What happens after that will happen in due course.

It's more aggrevating being BQ'd for two years before you even get your BZ look.