Quote Originally Posted by JMA View Post
For the answer... read history.
I have, and I think you're oversimplifying it, and reorganizing it retrospectively to serve an agenda... but since it's way off the topic there's no real point in pursuing it.

Back on topic...

I'm not sure there are enough discrete targets along the Somali coast to justify the use of cruise missiles, and since they aren't going to be used anyway it's all a bit on the fantasy end.

If there's one lesson to be learned from this, it's that these things need to be stepped on early, before you have 700 hostages spread over 30+ ships up and down the coast. If the first effort had been met with no ransom and an armed rescue, it's not likely that there'd have been a second. Bit late for that now, but something to remember next time around.

Of course these things don't grow because of poverty or resentment at illegal fishing, dumping, etc. Those factors may have something to do with how crime starts, but it grows because the money is really really good and there are no adverse consequences. Unfortunately, by waiting this long to impose adverse consequences we've let the scale get to a point where imposing effective consequences would go beyond what the US and Europe are wiling to do. We are what we are. It is sometimes frustrating that we place so many restrictions on ourselves, but it goes with what we are, and I'm not altogether sure I'd want it otherwise. Unintended consequences, and all that. Sure, the Russians and the Chinese can get away with anything. You want to live in Russia or China?

Maybe the Chinese should have a go. They're well invested in the African trade, and I understand they've some hardware that needs field testing...