An interesting economic question here: is this a supply problem, as in the lack of qualified experts who can give a good presentation, or is it a demand problem, as in the lack of informed chain of command who can separate out the kooks?

From my own limited experience, I think that this is at least as much a demand-side problem. I've had to endure two presentations where SLA Marshall's theories on WWII GI refusal to fire was cited as authoritative, as well as the mass-rapes-in-Beslan-as-tool-of-Muslim-warfare trope was bandied about as well. These were speakers specifically hired and endorsed by our COC.

And this is not just a problem related to cultural or religious education. As our COC changed, we also got different training presentations from different companies that taught completely contradictory TTPs for things like unarmed combat and CQC. One guy tried to sell everyone kubatons.

Thankfully the troops tend to view this sort of thing with a grain of salt. Awful classes are part and parcel of training, unfortunately.