Posted by Pete
Which is worse, "liberal bias" in the mainstream media or outright fabrications by people who ought to know better?
I felt sorry for Jessica and wanted to stomp on the PAO that came up with that trash story. Looked like something you would have read in National Enquier or Star magazine while standing in line at the grocery store. I would argue that story had links to liberal bias and the PAO was playing to it by drumming up a tale of a heroic female in combat. The U.S. couldn't get enough of it, but quickly were reminded that many of our PAO generated stories are just B.S.. I don't know what is worse, the liberal media doesn't disappoint me anymore because I expect it to be bias and left leaning, just like I expect Beck and Limbaugh to be bias and right leaning, while on the other hand while I expect B.S. from our PAOs, it still disappoints.

Joe, thanks for the post above.