but I posit this, properly redacted to preclude assignment of intent, evil or otherwise, for consideration.
"... no credit for the fact that he agrees that we should not go to war if we're not willing to use the proper strategy for political reasons."
Well, I freely give such credit -- however, being an ancient, curmudgeonly cynic, I also have to point out that most warfare theorists, good, bad and indifferent have said things to that effect. It is almost a mantra among them, ancient to classical to contemporary.

My suspicion is that part of the problem is few politicians read the treatises and will insist on sending folks off to fight while barring the use of good strategeries or even sensible TTP...

The follow on to that is that many arguments about theory and strategy -- indeed many great ideas pertaining to strategy -- founder on that shoal. If is a very problematic word...