Quote Originally Posted by 120mm View Post
(I say bitterly, as I once was GTG by the tape standard but am now "out of tolerance". Maxing the 2 mile run, 44 resting heart rate and 116 over 56 BP doesn't appear to be good enough by the new standards.)
A gunny told me the only physical fitness he cared about was demonstrated fitness. If you had a slobby belly (but could pass the PFT at the top of the range) you might not be on a Marine Corps recruiting poster, but you weren't going to be the first to die of starvation either.

He told me that while smoking a cigar on a PFT run.

After Persian Gulf War 1 wasn't the Air Force whacked on by the GAO/Congress for being very top heavy in officer cadre but not mission capable? I seem to remember a lot of "all chiefs no indians" stories at that time in the press.