That is why I said electricity(just one example) can be both used to kill the patient AND bring the patient back to life and it can be done very fast. IMO opinion most true COG's at the Systems level will tend to be dual use when it comes to affecting large Nation/State systems. That is what makes his theories so useful not just theoretical, they can be used to produce and protect the things of life or the things of death. Think Lighting bolt from the sky not nuclear weapons, although as you know I really,really like Major Kong from Dr. Strangelove
LIke I siad, if all you are interested in breaking or paralyzing the adverary, then that is OK, if you wnat to cure him of a disease you perceive him to have, electricity is necessary (to power gear) but insufficient (won't cure anything.

If your response to getting the adverssary to do what you want is to threaten to break or paralyze him, them you need to break open the nuclear warfare theory, becasue that is where you are - nuclear warfare by conventional means.

"You do what i want or I will impose such a compelling cost on you that you will not be able to afford resisting."

The opportunity for the use of such means are really, really limited

That is not really Systems theory, that is Human behavior theory. That is why he has consistently said to stay away from such actions.
No, its Complex Adaptive System theory. Which Human behavior theory is a subset of. Though its currently not understood to that level becasue humans are so complex.

Sorry but Wardens magic equation

outcome = physical x morale

is simply nonsense and the implication that you can ignore human behavior theory (the Complex part) by seting "physical to "0" is downright dangerous.

This is in effect saying that a problem has simple parts and complex parts and you can create an effect independant of the complex part by affecting the simple part. A complex system is either complex, or not, and the extent to which it has "simple" parts does not mean that affecting the simple parts wiill yield a simple response from the system.

The real world just doesnt wok that way.