Quote Originally Posted by gbramlet View Post

I read a comment on this topic on LWJ claiming Sharabat Khan was "good Taliban", and had attempted to liberate Afghanistan from ISI control. Wasn't aware that there was a tiered system within the Taliban based off your level of "good" and your priorities. These guys should really issue badges out so we don't mistake them...

Grant Bramlett
The Pak Army/ISI are the ones who should be issuing the IDs. Good and bad Taliban is their concept. "Good" attack us and the Indians. "Bad" attack things in Pakistan. The trouble with the idea is the good work with the bad who work with the good who are buddies with the bad and they all believe in about the same thing anyway. The ISI think they can control the whole thing and keep track of who is good or bad. In the past they have used our drones to kill bad Taliban. Apparently they are upset that our guys slipped the leash for once and killed some of the good Taliban.

Bob's World: It might indeed be a good idea to talk to the Taliban, though which part you would talk to may cause a bit of confusion. It would help us peel them away from the Pak Army/ISI. The trouble is of course, all the top leaders of Taliban & company live in Pakistan and if they tried talking to us they would get picked up right away, as happened in early 2010.

Also which part of the Taliban are sheltering AQ, the good or the bad? If it is the bad, why should they care what happens in Afghanistan?

I have a question. Does Pashtunwali require the host to allow the guest to murder others while he is a guest? That is what essentially happened in 2001. AQ wasn't running and seeking refuge, they perpetrated an outrage while they had refuge. A rather big difference.