The microfinance loans as done by Yunius is very interesting. There are groups, and commitees, and no culpability. You don't have to pay back the loans. But, almost everybody does. The bank has one of the lowest default rates of any bank and runs as a non-profit. All profits go into a disaster fund. The bank has spun of telephone companies, power companies, education companies, and a lot more. The concept of "making sure they know to pay the loan back", misses the mark. Islam says you can't really loan money, but you can divert a resource for somebody else to use that will be returned at some point. Semantical? Perhaps, but important in considering the cultural values and possible successes.

Another interesting point is almost all of the loans are made to women. Women in primarily Islamic countries creating micro-economies that have direct impacts on health and welfare issues handling the money. This is very powerful change in cultural values.