I would tend to agree with Bill:
There is a large picture benefit for all of us (western nations) for our soft power and image among the arab world. We do tend to forget that populations in the arab world have a VERY critical opinion about their governments. Backing the people in Tunisia, Egypt and now Lybia is in deed a strong message.

Also the fact that Europ was forced to take the lead on this and convince its arab friends is a good thing. US cannot do all the work and has different interrest in the region. We (Europ) were to quick to reabilitate G and take him as our allie for immigration reasons. Tunisia revolution has proven that what the tunisians wanted was to change their government and not "invide europ" as the extrem right wing in France and Itali tried to make believe.
Also providing Lybia with weapons and backing its come back in the international scene for the reason thay are our last wall against african immigration was a very stupid mistake taken by populist government as Berlusconi and Sarkosy.
Now it feel good to be european again! and it's not a small thing on the african continent.

Also, JMA, don't worry about the AU complains. As we both know, it's just a club of dictators who are affraid their populations would be inspired this year. And 2011 is an african electoral year!
It's just part of their stupid cultural differencies tool box to justify that democracy is not meant for Africa. An idea that needs to be tackle down!
If Lybia can send them a message: that's good. Especially for those "president" who look too much at Bagbo as a anticolonial liberation hero.

I believe Lybia will be a good lesson for Africa. Now, responsability get in the hand of african civil opposition to not play with fire if they cannot organise the people and proove they are a credible alternative.