Quote Originally Posted by Bob's World View Post
If we conduct peace in Libya wisely, we can create effects across the Arab World that serve to lessen the risk of terrorist attacks on the U.S. That should be our goal. We are not there to ensure victory for any one side, but rather the broader victory of a stability that allows the Libyan people a chance at liberty and good governance on their terms. How we shape that is critical and difficult and new. At least new for us. After all, we still think we are at war.
"The Libyan people" are hardly a unitary entity, and continued violence on their terms is as likely as liberty and good governance on their terms... probably more likely. Possibly I'm overly cynical, but in Libya or Yemen I'd count liberty and good governance among the least likely outcomes, in anything but a very long term.

Not really sure how we could "conduct peace" in Libya in a way that would, or even might, "create effects across the Arab World that serve to lessen the risk of terrorist attacks on the U.S." What effects do you propose to create, and how specifically do you propose to create them... especially given the very limited nature of our commitment in Libya and our even more limited ability to influence how events emerge there?