Quote Originally Posted by RTK View Post
As usual, you ask for questions, then don't address them. I'm not really sure why you keep coming back here....
I write only by invitation. Hence the articles (or op-ed’s, if you prefer) on DNI. Hence this thread. Perhaps you should address your complaints to the SWC.

However, I said I would attempt to answer your questions.

First, I post here in order to receive useful feedback and criticism. That allows me to correct errors and do better in the future.

Second, why should anyone read my articles? What authority do I claim?

Everyone chooses what they regard as a legitimate source of authority. Max Weber classifies authority as charismatic (religious), traditional, or legal (bureaucratic rank, credentials). Perhaps one of those works for you. None of them works for me. I prefer to seek a different basis for belief: what works, what makes sense, what has supporting data. I care little for the source -- whether lord, priest, or serf.

I can only guess why people read my work. Perhaps it is best that I do not know!

1. My record as a forecaster is pretty good. (Not perfect, of course. I wish I was correct and that the US started withdrawing troops from Iraq in late 2006).

2. Perhaps they present interesting ideas or new perspectives.

3. Perhaps they provide some useful information.

Certainly not for entertainment. They are humorless and long (by web standards). Worse, they have been pretty grim (although this series is different).

I am sure we all agree that no style should or does work for everyone, as everyone seeks the truth in their own way.