Quote Originally Posted by Cole View Post
But then we Americans are stupid. I live in shame for the wanton destruction of the few Libyan air defense systems and their operators who threatened allied aviators. Because I have a half German wife, I concede your point about the direct and obvious parallel between the Holocaust and German aggression in Europe in WWII and NATO's recent "aggression" in Libya.
Indeed, you didn't get anything.
Your primitive response shows how hopelessly far away you're from at least understanding the problem.

The very thought that you're too far away from atrocities is the problem. You're not. You're already one foot in.
The attitude is the problem. It can easily be exploited. It only takes some propaganda to push you over because your attitude is already ripe for it.
You'd be a willing tool if you were in a ethical challenge as others were in many, many conflicts before.

And don't use a false quote for a straw man. I call out attempts to use a straw man argument quite frequently.