Quote Originally Posted by Fabius Maximus View Post
...everyone can have not only their own opinion, but also their own facts.
Well, no. It looks that way some times, but only because there are a great many people who cherry pick facts to support their opinions. In those cases, actually collecting data, analyzing it and developing concepts or theories seems too much work.

One of the previous posters referred to the sweeping generalizations and unsupported assertions he found in your article. I'll admit I haven't read this article, and don't intend to. I did read earlier articles, by you and several others, at DNI. The previous poster nailed it dead on. In fact, several I read were so oriented toward attacking US defense policies and programs that they contradicted themselves. I wasn't surprised to find links, ties, what have you with Center for Defense (mis) Information. They have consistently gotten it wrong as well, and always in a way that somehow supports attacking US defense.

Here's a few comments on several of the topics touched on:

1. Kilcullen's 28 point are excellent advice to any soldier or Marine preparing to fight in a counter insurgency. If you think otherwise, invert them and see how much sense the result makes.

2. The value of the concepts of strategic corporal and Three Block War is not prescriptive, it is descriptive. They very accurately describe the situation our troops are in today. Again, if you think otherwise, try inverting them and see if the result makes sense.

3. 4GW strikes me as a phrase in search of a concept. Warfare has, indeed, changed over the millennia. 4GW doesn't explain much, if any, of the change. See my comment above about cherry picking facts.

I also have a suggestion. If you have a concept, insight, innovation, whatever to share. Write it here. Defend it here. I don't like being sent off to your website, then returning here for discussion.