Quote Originally Posted by Fabius Maximus View Post
I will answer the questions already in progress, such as from Culpeper and RTK, but I think with Jedburgh's comment this thread has gone past any reasonable debate.

Just a parting thought, if this is how you respond to my fairly mild comments -- after all, calls for to build a federated state in Iraq &/or exit fast are common now -- the range of debate here will likely remain fairly narrow. It is your site, and your decision how to run it.
FM - don't take my comment personally. My point is, that if people are getting personally annoyed with you or with this discussion thread, then they need to either ignore your posts, or take it to PM or elsewhere.

Discussion is good - bickering is bad.

When posts are beginning to move in the direction of the latter, it significantly detracts from the usefulness of the thread. You know the old saw about "arguing on the internet...."