Quote Originally Posted by Backwards Observer View Post
It is certainly worth quoting the last two paragraphs of Marima's article.

In Ouattara's final transition from his luxury suite at the Hotel du Golf to the presidential palace, it is sincerely hoped that he can unite the country and restore peace. However, hard questions will need to be asked of him by seekers of truth and justice.

Despite the efforts by the media and international community to produce a clear-cut good guy, bad guy narrative for easy mass consumption, countless disturbing images and stories of violence perpetrated by rebel and patriot forces, show there are no clear lines distinguishing the righteous from the heathens. In war, all are sinners, even the guys with major international support.
The seekers of truth and justice will lose out in the end because almost nobody cares and most just want this problem to go away (which it won't). Ouattara could have come to power with some credibility if he had not had to resort to violence due dithering and hopeless incompetence by ECOWAS, the AU, the UN and the world community in general. Because of the fighting it will be largely back to square one. Another hopeless, basket case country. To think that this last bit could have been avoided. Pretty sad really.