Quote Originally Posted by JMA View Post
Your UW guys would be best advised to find people like Stan who understand this stuff and learn from them. You have the people with the experience and knowledge in these matters, all you have to do is ask them.
They are asked -- and those knowledgeable people also volunteer their knowledges and skills to the all-knowing. Unfortunately, the all-knowing seem to really believe they are that. Egos do not like to accept greater knowledge from perceived lesser beings. The more senior the all-knowing, the more overweening the ego...

We have had adequate but not great on the ground knowledge available in every war we've been in since 1950 -- and have diligently ignored most of it. My British, Canadian and Korean friends, French, Iranian and Russian acquaintances tell me they have the same problem. The Germans do seem to do a bit better -- they also seem to be the only ones...

I don't know how you fix that.