Quote Originally Posted by Ray View Post
For an insurgency to sustain itself, there has to be mass support, adequate finances, free supply of arms and ammunition, safe havens to recruit, train, refit and reorg and external support.

Have these been addressed in Afghanistan?

First and foremost, one has to eliminate the safe havens where recruiting, refitting, reorganising can is being done.

Currently, all insurgents/ terrorists etc are with impunity recruit, refit, train, reorg and then launch forays against the ISAF.

Drone attacks cannot address the issue in it totality, more so since the CIA and others have been given the marching orders.

You focus too much on the lesser paramilitary arm of a proper insurgency. The much more relevant political base and supporters are more decisive because they replenish the losses of the paramilitary arm and you need completely different view on this civilian political supporters base.