This is a link to an Information Dissemination story about the U.S. Navy providing emergency medical treatment for a pirate ship. I am not making this up (thank you Dave Berry).


The pirates asked the ship to treat one of their guys. Our ship agreed and and asked the pirates if they would mind giving up some of their mariner prisoners. The pirates said ok and gave up 13 of 25. The sick pirate died before the ship to ship transfer was completed. Our ship took the mariners released and it and the pirate ship went their separate ways, both undoubtedly basking in the warmth of the fellowship of the sea. The mariners who weren't released were freed by somebody else later.

On the Royal Navy front, one of their ships captured a bunch of pirates and then helpfully dropped them on the shore of what used to be Somalia.

This stuff is unbelievable. Monty Python goes on pirate patrol accompanied by a sensitivity counselor.

But at least the Danes seemed to do ok. They took a pirate ship after a brief fight in which 3 pirates were wounded, continuing the pattern of next to no resistance and no effective resistance by the pirates when they are confronted with force.