Quote Originally Posted by JMA View Post
Well maybe these same people with this perception have forgotten or choose to ignore that near bankrupt little Britain has been militarily overstretched in Afghanistan for the past five years in blind support of some US hair-brained scheme to prop up the certainly corrupt and probably criminal Karzai regime.

This could be fixed overnight. Redeploy 3 Commando Brigade (newly deployed on Herrick 14) to secure Misrata to lift the siege and see off Gaddafi's forces while concurrently redeploying all Brit air assets from Afghanistan to Italian bases or even better to Bengazi airfields (if suitable).

This is the best chance for the Brits to get out of Afghanistan... use it or lose it.
Seems that the brits are the last chance as the french minister of defense is now back off. Personnaly I do not know how thy choose him. He is not what you would call a speciallist of the military questions and has been a desastrous minister in the past. But I get lost here.