Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
Stormtroop Tactics: Innovation in the German Army, 1914-1918
by Bruce I. Gudmundsson

People reading the current thread on infantry squad tactics might consider reading this book by one of Small Wars Council's own members, Bruce Gudmundsson. It also gives the lie to the idea that tactical thinking was morimund between the years of 1914 to 1939.
Has anyone seriously (or anyone serious) argued that? Gudmundsson's book is good. It's been a while since I read it, but I believe it was based heavily on this U.S. Army monograph, which also covered how the Germans changed their defensive doctrine from 1916-1918:


On the British side, the best look at the interwar mechanized experiments is this, pick it up if you're interested in the subject and can find a cheap used copy:
