Quote Originally Posted by tequila View Post
Recently finished rewatching the best television ever filmed in the U.S. - The Wire. The lessons for COIN, organizational dysfunction, the futility of applying tactics without strategy, etc. are myriad and well done.
The wife and I are working our way through this as well (just started season 4). I can definitely see what you're talking about. FWIW, my wife works in a prison and claims that she can't watch The Wire during the week because "it feels like I'm back at work". Don't think you can get more authentic then that. Possibly my favorite TV show.

Also, started watching The Killing on A&E. If police dramas are your thing, it's worth a look. First one of those where I'm not sure I really like either of the detectives (no Lenny Briscoes or "Bushy Top" McNulty's here). Some pretty heartbreaking scenes in it, but good stuff so far.