Stories like this a dime a dozen. Some of you boobs babble about "America haters" etc. while overlooking the virtual boasting from torture artist McChrystal. The US has revived the Phoenix Program in Afghanistan, and it's common knowledge.

William Calley led a massacre of 109 people in Vietnam. His most difficult condition of confinement was house arrest, both pre-trial and pending appeal. He was eventually given a Nixonian pardon. Manning is doing hard time right now. For releasing the truth.
It's your thread and definitely your opinion, as we can see here, but Manning is confined because he compromised classified networks and released information found on those networks. On the surface, it's still espionage. Views on the relevance of the material towards "the truth" are subjective.

Michael Walker was placed in pre-trial confinement for espionage committed in cahoots with his father.

I tend to think of Gen McChrystal as one well-intentioned commander. If the Phoenix Program is making a comeback, I'm curious as to where the details are that make you believe it is common knowledge.